Laatste update: 31-07-2024 om 10:41 uur
HIV Pre-Exposure Profylaxis (PrEP)
Since August 2019, men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender individuals can visit the GGD for PrEP and check-ups. PrEP is a pill taken to prevent contracting HIV. PrEP does not protect against other STIs.
As of August 1, 2024, new appointments will be available at the GGD. If you are not yet using PrEP and wish to start, or if you have any questions, please contact us regarding the possibilities. We will then determine whether you are eligible for PrEP through the GGD. If not, we can inform you about other possible options.
Already using PrEP through the GGD?
If you are already using PrEP through the GGD, you will receive check-ups twice a year. You will receive a prescription, which you can take to an (online) pharmacy. The cost of PrEP cannot be reimbursed and varies depending on the brand and pharmacy. Please check PrEP price list – PrEPnu for an overview of online providers.
Any questions about PrEP?
If you have any other questions, please check Man tot Man or contact us.
What should I do if have had anal sex without a condom and do not know if my sex partner has HIV and/or uses PrEP? Or what should I do if I have taken PrEP incorrectly?
If you have had anal sex without a condom or PrEP and you do not know if your sex partner has HIV and/or uses PrEP, or if you have taken PrEP incorrectly, please contact us as soon as possible. You may need PEP, a 4-week treatment you must start within 72 hours after unprotected sex. For more information, please see our PEP page.